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we are 3 admin we love Boyfriend so much . we are Tunisian Bestfriends and this is our blog to support our 6 Boyfriends
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lundi 3 juin 2013

BOYFRIEND Official Fancafe abdate for their 2nd anniv

[PIC][130526] DONGHYUN REAL TIME UPDATE ft. Members  

Original Message:

[동현] 내 사랑 들 - 사랑하는 베스트 프렌드!! 항상 더 챙겨주고 싶은데 무뚝뚝 해서 잘 표현 못하는 나 .. 그리고 우리 보이 프렌드 를 이 년 동안 사랑 해줘서 고마워요! 더 좋은 음악 과 무대 로더 자랑 스럽고 멋져 질 테니 앞으로도 쭉 지켜봐 여 ^ 


[Dongyhyun] My loves-loving bestfriends!I always want to be more blunt and expressful but I can’t represent my feelings very well.and Thank you for loving Boyfriend during these two years!We will comeback with more music and cooler stages, so please watch over us. ^^

Trans: leftchopstick04
Cr: BOYFRIEND Official Fancafe 

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